
Future-Proof Your Business with Mental Health Training

Our trailblazing mental health training solutions are designed to have a truly positive impact on your workforce, changing your business for the better – find out how.


Options Built to Suit Your Needs

At Red Umbrella, our focus is on championing the critical importance of mental health and wellbeing within corporate environments.

As well as safeguarding employees, our solutions can effortlessly help businesses protect organisational function and foster growth in progress and capability.  

We understand that what works for one business may not work for another – that's why we offer multiple modes of training delivery and specialised courses, ensuring we meet every expectation.

Explore training delivery modes including: 

  • Face-to-face training 

  • Virtual training 

  • E-learning 

  • Individual training

Or, discover our specialised courses for individual teams, built to reinforce specific areas of knowledge: 

  • HR team training 

  • SLT training 

  • Board-level training 

  • Staff training

Still not sure whether these options will work for you? Through our bespoke approach, beginning with business immersion, we’ll get to know your business and your objectives and then build tailored training solutions, complemented by bespoke reporting and technology.


Explore Our Mental Health Training Courses

At Red Umbrella, we believe having a trained mental health first aider in the workplace is just as important as having a physical first aider. That’s why we provide all the Mental Health First Aid courses available, international accredited training, MHFA England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, as well as bespoke courses tailored for your MHFAider requirements.

We also offer suicide first aid training for companies in partnership with Suicide First Aid (SFA). Accredited by City and Guilds of London, our one-day training session aims to teach attendees effective suicide intervention skills, which they will be able to apply in both a professional and personal setting.

Let Our Team of Industry Experts Support Your Business

We can’t wait to get to know your business, your teams and what makes you tick – so our mental health experts can find the right solutions for you.

Group catch up.

Experience the Business Benefits of a Happier Workforce

Your journey to a more inclusive and successful future begins today