
Learn About Symptoms of Mental Illness

When it comes to mental health, being able to recognise potential symptoms can save lives.


The Importance Of Recognising The Signs

While not every sign may be linked to a mental health condition, increased awareness can be particularly empowering in helping individuals know when to be concerned. 

Sudden changes in one’s behaviour, sleep patterns, thoughts, and feelings as well as external signs such as changes in physical appearance or personal hygiene can point to the emergence of a mental health condition, which should always be addressed by seeking professional help.  

While it is usually a combination of signs that points to a mental health illness, and some signs may just be circumstantial or temporary, it is vital that potential symptoms are not dismissed.  

However, those who are concerned about certain signs should always look to obtain a formal diagnosis from a medical professional to enable them to access the right form or treatment. 

Meeting with client.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Symptoms That Could Mean An Individual Is Experiencing Mental Illness:

  • Feeling down 

  • Extreme mood changes 

  • Tiredness, fatigue, or low energy 

  • Inability to concentrate 

  • Confused thinking 

  • Sleeping problems 

  • Feeling detached from reality 

  • Substance abuse 

  • Disordered eating and changes in appetite 

  • Sex drive changes 

  • Feelings of anger or violence 

  • Withdrawal from friends and activities 

  • Apathy 

  • Increased sensitivity such as excessive fears, worries, or feelings of guilt   

  • Hallucinations 

  • Loneliness 

  • High risk behaviour 

  • Suicidal thoughts

If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health condition or suicidal thoughts and is in need of immediate help, there are resources available: