
Workplace Mental Health Training and Consultancy

Backed by a highly skilled team of trainers and therapists, Red Umbrella delivers mental health training and consultancy solutions designed to empower your business by building happier and healthier teams. Our training and consultancy solutions are practical and impactful, ensuring our clients can enjoy the many business benefits that come with investing in safeguarding employees’ mental health.


First Class Mental Health Training Solutions

Red Umbrella is a specialist in mental health training, offering a number of accredited courses, varying modes of delivery and specialised courses on a range of topics delivered by our leading experts.

At Red Umbrella, we champion a commitment to improving the mental health of UK workforces and mitigating the growing mental health crisis in the UK. Mental health training is key in creating more inclusive work environments, reducing stigma and helping protect employees, ultimately benefitting organisations in a number of ways.


Why Choose Red Umbrella

At Red Umbrella, we aim to build long-lasting relationships with businesses, truly helping them reach their maximum potential within workplace mental wellbeing – because we really do care.

We believe in a highly bespoke approach based on solid partnerships. By getting to know your business, its teams and its objectives, we build a tailored strategy to guarantee positive outcomes.


Red Umbrella commits to transparency, honesty, and ethical practices, ensuring that all our actions solidify the trust our customers place in our business. Our company is built on the foundations of experienced entrepreneurs and backed by a proven track record, reflected in our high-quality offering.


Red Umbrella is agile and adaptive, ready to evolve our offering as key issues within mental wellbeing change over time. This commitment to continuous learning and flexibility ensures we seize emerging opportunities within the ever-evolving mental health landscape.

Genuine Care

Red Umbrella is devoted to the provision of genuine care to the users of our services, with ongoing communication and support being prioritised. We recognise the significance of genuine connections, and understand that mental wellbeing is a journey, not a destination.

We Are Not Just Training Experts

At Red Umbrella, we provide much more than training for businesses, with a unique aftercare and support package. And, we understand the importance of empowering businesses through consultancy, unlocking a clear path to strengthening their culture, environment and ethos.


Mental Health Consultancy

  • Bespoke options created for your business

  • Access to individual support whenever you need it

  • A leading team of mental health experts


Training Aftercare

  • Unrivalled support and aftercare package

  • Refresher courses

What Our Clients Are Saying

Lady shaking hands at a business meeting.

Experience the Business Benefits of a Happier Workforce

Do you have any further questions or queries regarding our services and the industries we work with? Reach out to the team by using our online contact form, calling 0300 002 0061, or via email at [email protected] and we’ll be more than happy to advise you.