Red Umbrella - Mental Health First Aider.

Suicide First Aid Training

Take the necessary steps to support the improvement of mental health within your workforce and ensure you have the effective suicide intervention skills in place.

Colleagues catching up.

Suicide Prevention Training in the Workplace

Protecting and nurturing the mental health of your workforce is a crucial responsibility of being an employer, and at Red Umbrella we offer suicide first aid training for companies, in partner with SFA: Suicide First Aid. 

Accredited by City and Guilds of London, our one-day training session provides the information necessary to teach attendees effective suicide intervention skills, which are applicable to both professional and personal settings.

Group team meeting.

Suicide First Aid Course Key Takeaways

After the training, suicide first aiders will be confident in the following areas, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to interact with someone with ill mental health: 

  • Intervening with people at risk of suicide

  • Learning to recognise the signs and symptoms of suicidal behaviour

  • Asking about suicide and understanding the options available

  • Guiding a person towards appropriate treatment and support

Why Choose Red Umbrella

At Red Umbrella, we aim to build long-lasting, solid relationships with our clients, truly helping them reach their maximum potential within workplace mental wellbeing – because we really do care.


Red Umbrella commits to transparency, honesty, and ethical practices, ensuring that all our actions solidify the trust our customers place in our business. Our company is built on the foundations of experienced entrepreneurs and backed by a proven track record, reflected in our high-quality offering.
Red Umbrella - Lady in red.


Red Umbrella is agile and adaptive, ready to evolve our offering as key issues within mental wellbeing change over time. This commitment to continuous learning and flexibility ensures we seize emerging opportunities within the ever-evolving mental health landscape.
Red Umbrella - Group Working Together.

Genuine Care

Red Umbrella is devoted to the provision of genuine care to the users of our services, with ongoing communication and support being prioritised. We recognise the significance of genuine connections, and understand that mental wellbeing is a journey, not a destination.
Red Umbrella - Leader Talking.

Suicide Prevention Training Qualifications

We are committed to delivering effective suicide first aid training in workplaces across the country. Our expert trainers have the skills in place to teach about suicide prevention, supporting attendees through a range of lectures, group work and role-play.  

The one-day course is the equivalent of a Level 4 NQF, and is available for senior managers, line managers, and all other members of staff – and no prior knowledge or qualifications are needed.  

Alternatively, we offer mental health first aid training, and Qualsafe accredited training, as well as employee assistance programmes, so that all members of staff benefit from wellbeing protection. 

Red Umbrella - Lady in red.

Why Choose Us for Your Training?

By signing your colleagues up for our course, you will receive the following:

  • One-day training programme that enables attendees to learn and develop suicide prevention skills. 

  • A training solution that’s accredited by City and Guilds of London. 

  • Access to our 24/7 helpline and expert therapists, as well as monthly check-ins, providing unlimited help and support to suicide first aiders. 

  • Ongoing support and follow-ups so first aiders can ask any further questions, with full access to our online forums.

Frequently Asked Questions