Our Importance of Boundaries Webinar
Boundaries are important for all of us to have, whether that is boundaries in our relationships with other people, boundaries in our physical environments, or boundaries in our workplace. Without them we often find that we experience mental health struggles as a result.
In this session we're going to be looking at what we mean by boundaries, the different types of boundaries that we can set and hold, what happens when we don't have boundaries and what to do if you find it difficult to set and maintain boundaries for yourself, or for other people.
Red Umbrella’s dedicated webinar includes:
What we mean by boundaries
The different types of boundaries that we can set and hold
What happens when we don’t have boundaries
What to do if you find it difficult to set and maintain boundaries for yourself, or other people
What You'll Leave With
By attending this webinar, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the importance of boundaries. You’ll leave equipped with practical insights on recognising how this can affect us, as well as strategies to provide meaningful support to those who are affected. Whether you’re supporting someone close to you or enhancing your professional knowledge, this session will empower you with the tools to set boundaries and hold them.