Our Relationships and How They Impact Mental Health Webinar
Human beings are hard wired for relationships - no other species on the planet is biologically wired up in the same way, and to the same degree that humans are to interact with other humans. These relationships can be very fulfilling, and lead to a positive sense of well-being. However, relationships can also be very stressful, challenging, or in some cases lead to poor mental health.
Red Umbrella’s dedicated webinar includes:
Exploring the impact relationships can have on our mental health
The impact bad relationships can have on our mental health
Ways in which we can develop and create more positive relationships in our lives
What You'll Leave With
By attending this webinar, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the connection between relationships and mental health. You’ll leave equipped with practical insights on recognising how this can affect us, as well as strategies to provide meaningful support to those who are affected. Whether you’re supporting someone close to you or enhancing your professional knowledge, this session will empower you with the tools to approach creating positive relationships to better your mental well-being.