
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): FAQ

As mental health challenges rise – 1 in 4 people will experience some form of mental health problem each year – companies are investing in training programmes to create healthier, more supportive workplaces.

One of the most effective ways companies are addressing the growing issue is through Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), a tool that equips employees to be able to support colleagues in times of a mental health crisis.

Offering MHFA training not only demonstrates a company’s commitment to the well-being of its workforce but also contributes to a more engaged, productive, and resilient organisation. Learn more about this key training programme here.


What is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)?

Mental Health First Aid is a training programme that equips individuals with the skills to support others who may be experiencing mental health challenges at work. Much like physical first aid, MHFA aims to provide immediate support until professional help is available.


How does MHFA contribute to creating safer workplaces?

Mental Health First Aid is becoming indispensable for building a supportive business culture, as this training ensures that key employees are equipped to recognise mental health challenges and offer guidance before the situation escalates.

By training individuals to identify signs of mental health issues and respond effectively, MHFA ensures that workplaces are better equipped to support those in need, particularly in the event of a crisis or a serious issue occurring.


Why is MHFA crucial for businesses?

In today’s fast-paced work environment, mental health challenges are increasingly affecting the workforce. Mental health-related absenteeism, stress, and burnout are on the rise, which can severely impact productivity and employee retention. According to statistics:

  • Poor mental wellbeing costs employers in the UK an estimated £42 billion annually

  • Mental ill health is now the most common cause of work-limiting conditions among those aged 44 years and younger

  • In 2022/23, there were an estimated 875,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety, resulting in 17.1 million working days lost


What do MHFAiders learn?

During Mental Health First Aid training, MHFAiders gain a comprehensive understanding of mental health, including factors that affect wellbeing and insights into stress and negative coping mechanisms, such as drugs and alcohol.

They gain skills to have supportive, non-judgmental conversations and provide immediate help using a structured Mental Health First Aid action plan.

They build up the skills to recognise and respond to signs of common mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis.

The training also equips them with the knowledge to help develop a mentally healthy workplace, promoting a workplace full of support and openness around mental health.


Are MHFAiders qualified mental health professionals?

MHFA training is designed to empower people to become mental health champions, to offer essential first-line support and signpost individuals to the right resources or professional support, but it doesn’t certify individuals as mental health professionals.


What are the business benefits of Mental Health First Aid training?

The business benefits of MHFA are numerous:

  • Increased productivity: By addressing mental health challenges early and supporting employees, businesses can reduce sick days and improve employee engagement.

  • Better retention: Employees who feel supported are more likely to stay with a company that prioritises their well-being.

  • Enhanced company reputation: Organisations known for supporting mental health attract top talent and improve their employer brand.

  • Improved leadership: MHFA training empowers leaders to handle difficult conversations and manage their own mental health effectively, creating a better experience for their teams.


Why is MHFA crucial for leadership teams?

Leadership teams are key to establishing a supportive, mentally healthy work culture. However, research shows that only 13% of employees feel comfortable talking about mental health in the workplace.

This gap highlights the need for MHFA training at the leadership level. When leaders are trained as MHFAiders, they are more likely to recognise early signs of mental health issues in their teams and engage in supportive conversations, preventing problems from escalating.

Leaders equipped with mental health training are better prepared to manage both their own well-being and the mental health of their employees, creating a healthier, more supportive work environment for everyone.


How long does the training take?

Typically, MHFA training and can be completed in one or two days. It can take place in person or virtually, depending on the trainees’ needs.


Can MHFA training be tailored to specific groups and settings?

MHFA training can be administered to teachers, healthcare workers, parents, or anyone interested in supporting mental health in a particular setting or for a specific group of people.

There are specific MHFA programmes tailored for youth (e.g., Youth Mental Health First Aid) that are designed for adults who interact with young people, or MHFA for veterans and military families, for instance.

When it comes to MHFA for businesses, expert training providers can tailor the course to an organisation, such as by utilising scenarios that are relevant to the business or industry during training.


How do I get started with Mental Health First Aid training?

Red Umbrella offers a range of MHFA training courses tailored to your business needs. Whether you're looking for an Ofqual-accredited course or a bespoke solution, we have a training program that suits your organisation’s size and goals.

If you’re ready to make mental health a priority in your organisation, contact us today to learn more about our MHFA courses and how we can help you build a supportive, thriving workplace.

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