
How Red Umbrella Supports Businesses Facing Tight Regulations

Businesses that operate in industries with tight regulations often face unique employee mental wellbeing challenges.

Whilst any business or industry can face hardships, there are certain industries with tighter regulations that can impose significant challenges onto individuals, putting strain on their mental health. 

To successfully safeguard employees’ mental wellbeing within these sectors, it’s important to have a strategy in place that meets their unique needs. 

Red Umbrella has worked with a range of specialist industries including aviation, finance, construction, transportation and healthcare, to deliver effective wellbeing support, helping businesses put the right resources in place to protect employees’ mental health. 


What are the main wellbeing related challenges in industries with tight regulations? 

High-pressure work environments can have a negative impact on an individual's mental health, putting them at higher risk when compared to workers in other industries. 

Here are some of the key wellbeing related challenges faced in industries such as aviation, healthcare and construction: 

1. Limited flexibility/work-life balance 

Having to comply with tight regulations can restrict the autonomy of workers, reducing sense of control over their work and the ability to manage their own time. This lack of flexibility impacts employees' work-life balance, too, especially for those who may spend extended periods away from home, leading to challenges in maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal lives. Regulations, while crucial for the safety of workers and the general public, can also limit innovative approaches to promoting wellbeing, such as flexible working hours or remote work options. 

2. Isolation 

Employees such as pilots, flight attendants and long-haul drivers often work in isolated environments, away from their families and social support networks for extended periods. This isolation can negatively impact mental health and overall wellbeing, making it important for companies to provide support systems and resources to mitigate these effects. 

3. Pressure and performance expectations 

High expectations for performance and safety compliance in the healthcare, finance, aviation and transport industries can place intense pressure on employees. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and a fear of making mistakes, all of which negatively impact employee wellbeing and performance over time. Employees working in the aforementioned industries often face high levels of stress due to fear of audits or inspections and the severe consequences of non-compliance. This stress can in turn lead to burnout and other mental health issues. Sometimes acting in a vicious cycle, the stress of the job can also cause performance issues, which can lead to increased feelings of stress. 

4. Health and lifestyle factors  

The demanding nature of these jobs, including irregular schedules, long hours, and extensive travel, can contribute to unhealthy lifestyle habits. Employees may struggle with maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, all of which are critical to overall health and wellbeing. Occupational hazards in industries such as healthcare and construction can also lead to physical health risks, which are bound to increase the likelihood of mental health issues developing.  


How does Red Umbrella guide businesses through these challenges? 

Red Umbrella has worked with several businesses in the aviation, construction, transportation, healthcare and finance industries, developing a breadth of tailored solutions and strategies. These include:  

1. Mental health awareness training 

There are specific industries, such as aviation and construction, where discussing mental health is not common practice, and where stigma may be more common as a result. This means that, as a starting point within many businesses, there is often a need to educate workers on the importance of mental wellbeing, how to protect one’s mental health in a work environment, and how to recognise signs of ill mental health in themselves and others. Red Umbrella offers mental health awareness training designed to fill these gaps, training up employees at all levels on key areas of mental health. 

2. Support from therapists trained in specific industries 

When it comes to providing therapy or counselling to employees in specific industries, it is of vital importance that therapists fully understand the specific challenges workers face in those sectors, ensuring they can get the most out of their sessions. Employees may struggle with specific aspects of their jobs or they may have developed issues that are related to their career, making having staff with an in-depth awareness of industry-specific issues a priority for Red Umbrella.  

3. Mental Health First Aid training 

With employees in industries such as construction being at particularly high risk of developing mental health related issues, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training becomes pivotal. Having an individual within each business trained in assisting employees that are experiencing poor mental health or even a mental health crisis can have a particularly positive impact on business culture and make employees feel safer within their work environment.  

4. Leadership team training 

In high-pressure industries, having strong leadership teams that are capable of effectively looking after their employees’ mental wellbeing is of fundamental importance. Red Umbrella offers mental health training that is specifically designed for leadership teams, giving them the confidence and knowledge they need to support their staff and identify potential signs of mental ill health before they escalate. 

5. Online training services 

With many companies in industries such as aviation employing staff in several different countries, many require tailored mental health training solutions that can be easily accessible to all employees. Red Umbrella provides highly engaging online training services that are made available to staff in different parts of the globe, educating employees as well as addressing issues and risks of particular relevance to specific industries, allowing employees to feel seen and listened to. 


Do you have any questions regarding our solutions for businesses with tight regulations? Contact the team through our contact page and we’ll walk you through relevant options for your organisation. 

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