Mental Health Training for HR Teams

HR teams play a pivotal role in creating a supportive and healthy workplace environment. As gatekeepers of employee wellbeing and organisational culture, HR professionals are uniquely positioned to lead initiatives that promote mental health awareness and support.

Equip your HR Teams with Crucial Mental Health Knowledge

Red Umbrella's Mental Health Training for HR Teams is specifically designed to empower HR professionals with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to effectively address mental health issues within the workplace.

Red Umbrella - Mental Health First Aider.

Typically, HR teams are often the first point of contact for employees experiencing mental health challenges. They handle sensitive issues, mediate conflicts, and implement policies that directly impact employee wellbeing. By equipping HR professionals with specialised mental health training, we ensure that they can recognise the early signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, provide the appropriate support and advice, such as signposting, and positively influence organisational culture.

Red Umbrella - Leader Talking.

Specialised Courses to Suit your Needs

As well as our mental health training solutions for HR teams, we also have a range of specialised courses for various members of an organisation, providing tailored training that addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by different roles, including managers and frontline employees.

Your Partner in Workplace Mental Health Empowerment

HR teams equipped with mental health expertise can lead the way in creating a workplace where employees feel valued, supported, and able to thrive. Red Umbrella is committed to partnering with you on this journey, offering the training and resources necessary to make a lasting impact.

Red Umbrella - Group Working Together.
Red Umbrella - Leader Talking.

Get in Touch with Red Umbrella Today

Do you have any questions or queries regarding our mental health training for HR professionals? If so, you can get in touch with us by using our online contact form, calling 0300 002 0061, or via email at [email protected] and a member of our team will be happy to help you!